Thursday, June 25, 2009

My Girl

Yes! The rumor is true! Our girl has been born....

Elkey Marion
Thursday, June 18th
6lbs 19in

Here she is fresh out of the oven:

On the day she was brought home (Monday):

And week into life...with her pal, the buffalo:

Of course, her Birth Story is to come. It will take me a minute to type up so I thought I'd give you this little nugget to tide you over.

Thanks for all the internet love!


Heartsong said...

Congrats!!! She's SO cute!!

samantha jo campen said...

I CAN NOT WAIT TO GET MY HANDS ON THAT BABY OMG (in a good way of course, duh)

Love the 1 week photo!


Melissa said...

Congratulations, she's beautiful! Hope you're both doing well!

jhawke said...

she is just perfect. congratulations!

Maggie said...

She's gorgeous and the hair, oh the hair! Look at that little burrito in the 1 week pic. CONGRATS!

Miss Atomic said...

I am counting the minutes until I can meet her. I've already nicknamed her Tiny E when I tell people about her.


Diz Rivera said...

OH MY GOODNESS! So beautiful! Elkey is a brilliant name. Congratulations.

Kate said...

Congrats again!! She is just beautiful. And perfect. So perfect. Can't wait to see more pictures.

Kira said...

Congrats to the new mom and dad!!!! She is adorable!

Kira said...

Congrats to the new mom and dad!!!! She is adorable!